~ Brides On A Dime ~

February 28, 2010

~ The Proposal ~

Filed under: More than Friends - Our Story — by worldwifetraveler @ 9:00 AM
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It was a Tuesday. The Tuesday before Christmas to be exact. The night before we had chatted it up with my brother and my two lovely roommates. We were all cuddled up on the couch and I was ranting and raving about how we had to do outfit changes the next day for Kyle’s family Christmas gathering. I didn’t get it. Why did we have to wear one outfit during the day and have to change for dinner?!?! This was Kyle’s family. Everyone brings their own respective dogs over and we all lounge around and just hang out. This was weird.

Kyle spent that night tossing and turning. This was unusual and normally wouldn’t be an issue but since we were back in the states and staying in the guest room of my house (awesome) and sleeping on a twin bed (double awesome) I couldn’t help but notice.

Tuesday morning arrives and little miss organized over here is getting the presents ready for the next two days worth of Christmas gatherings we were attending. My parents are divorced so Christmas is always a fun filled time with running all over Michigan trying to get family time in. Tuesday and Wednesday were with his parents, Thursday with my mom, Friday with my dad and then later at my aunt’s house….it’s a lot.

As I’m filtering through the gifts, Kyle just looks over at me and tells me not to worry about the presents. Not worry about the presents! “But honey, these have to go with us and we need to get the car loaded.” I think he is amused by me at this point because I’m just trying to get a move on because he had me on some crazy time schedule that day. Also weird. We “had” to leave by 11am…..and then his phone rang and he was talking to someone confirming that we would be somewhere….(This point is still pre-freak out for me as I’m completely gullible and oblivious to whats going on).

Finally, he tells me we are not going to his parents house that day which is why I didn’t need to worry about the presents. Then it hit me. (This is where I “get it” and start freaking out) OMG!!! Is he proposing?!?!? Seriously!?!?! I’m going to be engaged today!?!?!? Really??? I totally wasn’t expecting this…not today anyway. I thought for sure he wouldn’t propose until the spring or summer. This is my last day of being a single lady!?!? I was trying to finish getting ready and my head just kept spinning with freak out thoughts and excitement.

Then I wanted to cry. Really? This was going to happen today? How AWESOME! Then I realized I couldn’t cry because I didn’t want him to know that I suspected he might propose. So I pulled it together and off we went on our surprise day. First stop was Campus Martius in Downtown Detroit.

Hiding my excitement proved to be a difficult task. I hadn’t been out of the car for more than 4 ½ minutes before I spilled my mug of coffee all over myself. Nice. This was spill # 1 of the day. Ice skating was super duper fun! There was an ice rink set up by our apartment in Japan and we had meant to go and never got the chance before we left so Campus Martius was a perfect choice to start our day! Every time he would leave me I freaked out a little. I kept wondering if he was off to do something to propose…and then I had a really hard time not touching his pant pockets or coat pockets or looking in his bag when he opened it for his camera gear. Generally, we hold hands and put them in his coat pocket so we stay warm so avoiding him to a degree was kind of difficult!

Off to the next surprise – A night at the Westin Book Cadillac. If you haven’t been – GO! It’s awesome. We had a room on the top floor with gorgeous views of the city, the water and the bridge. We didn’t have  much time in the room before our next venture of the day. As I was still nervous and freaking out a little, I decided I would put on some lipstick. Kyle is amused by me once again and tells me I won’t need lipstick. Applying the lipstick was part of my dual effort to (1) calm my nerves and (2) ummm…he was going to propose so I wanted to look good!!!

He told me how silly I was going to feel applying lipstick but I really didn’t care…until we got to the spa and I realized I really didn’t need lipstick…silly Franny…I was relieved when they offered us a glass of wine and jumped all over that in a heart beat!!! So did Kyle. We were dressed in white robes and there I go again bringing on spill #2 of the day. Wine all over my robe! I’m so ridiculously smooth. Thankfully, it was white.

We had a couples massage which was a D-R-E-A-M. I heard the two ladies whispering to one another once the massage was near finished and once again, I was freaking out…did they know Kyle’s secret plan? Were they in on it too? Did he want to throw me off by proposing to me after we had a massage because I wouldn’t expect it??

No ring yet. After the massage we cleaned up and dressed up for dinner at Roast. Also super duper yummy if you’ve never been…I was kind of OK through dinner despite my having to run to the restroom every 35 seconds. Kyle is not the type to propose at the dinner table but since I knew it would be coming shortly thereafter, the nerves flared up again. I somehow managed to drop all of my silverware through dinner since I was so jittery. I can usually pull off some level of class but not this night…

Afterwards, we headed up to the room to lounge around in the bathrobes provided by the hotel. We ordered dessert (brownie sundae!) and Kyle surprised me with a bottle of champagne to top it off. We finished dessert and toasted to our love … then he asked. He said he brought me all this way to ask me to be his wife. After feeling thankful he had asked, I was also relieved because my nerves were shot by that point!!! It was such a special time for us and I love thinking of the moment and replaying it over and over in my head. I couldn’t believe he was my “F!” It was so strange to say the “F” word so we just kept say the “F” word in reference to the “F” word. We had to practice a few times as we found ourselves entering a new world as one another’s fiance’.




We all love a good love story! Tell us about your engagement!!!

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